Board Nominations

The ASC is run by a board of directors, the majority of whom are elected by participants at the conference. Each conference, two representatives from each of the areas of Electronics, Materials and Large Scale, are elected for a six-year term. Suggestions or volunteers for candidates to run for the Board are solicited. Persons submitting a valid petition before the indicated deadline will be placed on the ballot.  A valid petition must (a) be signed by 10 or more people who have attended either of the last two conferences; (b) cannot have more than 2 signatures from persons from the same organization as the nominee.

Inquiries or nominations should be sent to:

Arthur Lichtenberger
University of Virginia
Director, Microfabrication Laboratories (UVML)
Electrical & Computer Engr. Dept.
C112 Thornton Hall, POB 400743
351 McCormick Road
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4743
Phone: +1 434-989-2000

The deadline for submitting nominations is March 21, 2018.

2018 Nominees


Resumes of the board nominees will be posted on Board Election Poster Boards located near the Registration Desks at the Washington State Convention Center.  A ballot with the nominees will be included in each registration package. Ballot boxes will be located at the Registration Desks and in the Exhibit Hall.

Voting will be closed at 5:00 p.m., MDT, on Wednesday, October 31, 2018. Ballot boxes will be available at Registration, in the Exhibit Hall and in the Publication Office.



Anna Fox – National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA)

Ronny Stolz – Leibniz-IPHT Jena (Germany)

Lixing You – Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology (China)

The new elected board members are: Anna Fox and Ronny Stolz.



Satoshi Awaji – Tohoku University (Japan)

Kiruba Haran – University of Illinois (USA)

Gen Nishijima – National Institute for Materials Science (Japan)

The new elected board members are: Satoshi Awaji and Gen Nishijima.



Michael Eisterer – TU Wien (Austria)

Fedor Gömöry – Slovak Academy of Sciences (Slovakia)

Qiang Li – Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA)

The new elected board members are: Michael Eisterer and Fedor Gömöry.